Itch Keeping You Up at Night? How to Manage Sleep and AD
July 26, 2018

Atopic dermatitis (AD), the chronic, itchy, inflammatory skin disease, affects up to 30% of all children and up to 60% of those children also report disturbed sleep. While it is not fully understood whether it’s the itch of AD keeping these kids up at night, or some other sort of underlying issue caused by AD,

Summer 2018 | Live Blog | Comorbidities in Psoriasis: Fact or Fiction?
June 28, 2018

Did you know that over 20 comorbidities have been linked to Atopic Dermatitis in 2018? Dr. Robert Sidbury from Seattle Children’s Hospital helped attendees of the SDPA Summer Conference sift through the published data related to atopic comorbidities. Dr. Sidbury relayed that it is an “incredibly dynamic” time in the field of atopy in both