SDPA Fall | Female Ano-genital
November 2, 2018

Dr. Bethanee Schlosser from Northwester University, presented a fantastic lecture on Pregnancy and skin disease. She covered various dermatoses that cause itching in pregnant females; pemphigoid gestationis, polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, atopic eruption of pregnancy, and cholestasis of pregnancy. Dr. Schlosser shared these clinical pearls: • Cholestatic itchy is typically worse at night and usually

Following the Mediterranean Diet May Help With Psoriasis
September 20, 2018

The Mediterranean diet is characterized by consumption of high amounts of anti-inflammatory foods such as a fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, bread, fish, fruit, nuts, and extra-virgin olive oil. These contain dietary fiber, polyphenols, and other bioactive compounds which help to reduce risk of systemic inflammation and may help with inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis.

Diet and Psoriasis: Some Recommendations
September 12, 2018

Patients with psoriasis report that the condition affects many aspects of their overall health and often alter their diet to try to combat some psoriasis symptoms. A recent review study looked at the evidence base for dietary interventions for psoriasis to answer some key questions about the role of diet in psoriatic diseases. The review

Do Biologic Therapies Affect the Elderly Differently?

Treating psoriasis with a systemic biologic therapy is increasingly the standard course of treatment, but little is known about how these therapies affect the elderly. Elderly patients are frequently excluded from biological clinical trials and simply described as a high-risk group for adverse events. This has led to a lack of information about safety and

Is IL-23 the “Master Regulator” of Autoimmune Inflammation?
August 15, 2018

Our understanding of autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis has increased dramatically in recent years, especially in regards to the pathophysiology of disease. Developing treatments that target T-cells and their corresponding cytokines has led to increased effectiveness when fighting these diseases. A recent article looked at the role of IL-23 in such diseases. IL-23 is

Does Ixekizumab Affect Cardiovascular Parameters After Treatment?

Patients with psoriasis often have cardiovascular comorbidities and more cardiovascular risk factors. Cardiovascular disease and psoriasis share similar immunologic profiles as both are mediated by type 1 and type 17 helper T cells. Therefore, when biologic agents that target this immunologic pathway are used for treatment they may have beneficial effects on cardiovascular parameters. A