Daily Management of Psoriasis that Includes Use of Biologics
June 24, 2022

Mark Lebwohl, MD, Dean of Clinical Therapeutics at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, kicked off his presentation at SDPA’s Summer Conference in Austin, by reviewing common problems in the daily management of psoriasis, highlighting optimal therapy with biologics. Attendees were reminded psoriasis is a clinical diagnosis for which biopsy is rarely warranted. He reported

A Potpourri of Complex Medical Dermatology
June 18, 2022

  Gabriela Cobos, MD, Director of the Connective Tissue Disease clinic at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, highlighted complex medical dermatologic conditions through case presentations in an interesting lecture. As psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory systemic disease, Dr. Cobos reports she will risk stratify these patients in a lengthy first appointment. One in three patients