What’s New in Literature for 2019
November 22, 2019

Faculty: Ted Rosen, MD Dr. Ted Rosen gave another enlightening lecture illuminating the key findings from the medical literature of 2019. One study he reviewed evaluated aversion caused by skin disease through crowd sourcing. It revealed more men than women were disgusted or disturbed by skin disease. Additionally, non-parents found skin disease more disgusting and

Managing Hair Loss Without Losing Your Own
November 20, 2019

Joslyn Kirby, MD sits down with Dermcast.tv for discussion about the management of the alopecia patient.  Hair, or lack thereof,  can be a direct measure of attractiveness.  Alopeica patients often struggle with the stigma associated with their hair loss. Dr. Kirby talks about using dermoscopy in the treatment process, and covers the different treatment options


Faculty: Jennifer Holman, MD Dr. Holman began her presentation on platelet rich plasma (PRP) and microneedling through emphasizing her belief in the utilization of PAs in her practice as “best working as partners”. She reviewed the use of PRP dating back to the 1970s in medicine. The benefit of PRP is the 300+ active substances