Renowned Author Jean Bolognia, MD, Draws on Stellar Career to Educate DermPAs™
June 17, 2022

  Bolognia peels back the layers on lupus as she fields question the from attendees SDPA President Renata Block, MMA, PA-C, welcomed attendees to the SDPA Annual Summer Dermatology Conference with a friendly “howdy” while thanking the exhibitors, sponsors, and staff. She encouraged all attendees to consider their role as a volunteer for service to

One-on-One with Renowned Author Jean Bolognia, MD
May 19, 2022

SDPA Board Member Amber Blair, MMS, PA-C, and renowned author and dermatology professor Jean Bolognia, MD, discuss dermatology, lessons learned in the clinic and more in this informative video. Dr. Bolognia, a professor of dermatology at the Yale University School of Medicine, is celebrated for her work with textbooks, Dermatology, and Dermatology Essentials.

Rheumatology and Dermatology: When to treat, when to refer
June 6, 2019

Featuring Jennifer Clarke, MD Dr. Jennifer Clarke began Thursday’s SDPA conference with a comprehensive review of rheumatologic conditions for the dermatology provider. Dr. Clarke emphasized dermatology providers play a key role in the diagnosis of autoimmune disease through investigation of disease based on a constellation of systemic systems with the skin playing an important role.