Does Fractional Laser Treatment Improve Stretch Marks?
February 18, 2019

Striae distensae (SD), also known as stretch marks, is a condition that is both distressing to patients and difficult to effectively treat. The currently available treatments are not reliably effective and there is no standard treatment that has been established. A recent study notes that some laser treatments have shown promise and small clinical improvements

What Are The Health Risks From Surgical Smoke?
October 19, 2018

One occupational hazard faced by dermatology providers is the health effects associated with exposure to surgical smoke. Ablative lasers and electrosurgery procedures generate smoke that contains carbon and other particles that may be hazardous to one’s health. While most dermatology residents receive training in how to perform procedures, few receive training on reducing smoke exposure.

Do Lasers Really Minimize Scar Formation?
August 1, 2018

In order to reduce or minimize scar formation, some clinicians have begun using lasers on an incision or wound within 3 months after injury. This method, which is attempting to target the early wound-healing process, has been used with some success, but there was no systematic review of whether the practice is recommended. A recent

Laser Treatment of Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
March 26, 2018

Congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN), typically referred to as birthmarks, can be small, large, and giant. Concerns about CMN are twofold – the cosmetic appearance and its impact on quality of life and whether CMN may eventually develop into melanoma. Studies have shown varied risk as to whether they will develop into melanomas, but current research

CALM Borders May Predict Response to Laser Treatment
January 16, 2018

Café au lait macules (aka CALMs) tend to have borders that either resemble the coast of Maine (irregular) or the coast of California (smooth). These cosmetically troubling but benign lesions have an inconsistent response to laser treatment. A recent study examined the morphological features of CALMs to determine whether they may provide a way to