Rheumatology and Dermatology: When to treat, when to refer
June 6, 2019

Featuring Jennifer Clarke, MD Dr. Jennifer Clarke began Thursday’s SDPA conference with a comprehensive review of rheumatologic conditions for the dermatology provider. Dr. Clarke emphasized dermatology providers play a key role in the diagnosis of autoimmune disease through investigation of disease based on a constellation of systemic systems with the skin playing an important role.

Which Comorbidities Most Commonly Accompany Vitiligo?
October 22, 2018

Vitiligo is known to occur with a number of other autoimmune conditions and dermatological disorders. A recent review examined which are most likely to co-occur with vitiligo in order to improve awareness for clinicians treating patients with vitiligo. The review found that many autoimmune conditions are associated with vitiligo. The authors suggest that this is