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SDPA Fall 2018 | Walking Tour of the 2018 Abstracts

SDPA Fall 2018 - Live Blog

The sun in Orlando is bright and the weather is clear and cooler on the third full day of SDPA’s 16th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference.

This morning Dr. Mark Russell led a Walking Tour of the 2018 Abstracts. He walked with a group of SDPA members as they viewed the posters presented in the Tuscan Foyer. Together they discussed the posters and he helped them learn how to critically appraise the quality of the research presented. Dr. Russell encouraged attendees to look at the various parts of the presentation, for example the authors. If the poster was sponsored by a pharmaceutical company and the poster concerns the effect of a drug produced by that company, then the information could be biased. He stressed that it would be particularly helpful if another independent study confirmed the data.

The SDPA hosts a poster presentation at each conference and invites poster submissions.

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