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Exploring Delicate Topics: Candid Discussion About Women’s Sensitive Areas

During a discussion about vulvar dermatoses, Dr. Olushola Akinshemoyin Vaughn, of the Medical College of Wisconsin, shares her approach to managing, diagnosing, and treating these conditions. She outlines a comprehensive algorithm consisting of five primary categories: inflammation, infections, neoplastic, hormonal, and nerve and muscle concerns. Dr. Vaughn emphasizes the impact of fragranced products on exacerbating dermatoses and other itchy complaints and highlights the importance of identifying other serious diseases such as cancers. Furthermore, she stresses the significance of conducting thorough full-body skin checks, specifically addressing the necessity of including examination of the vulvar area and providing guidance on what to observe. Throughout the interview with host Hope Cook, PA-C, Dr. Vaughn and Cook employ a lighthearted approach to discuss sensitive or potentially embarrassing issues that patients may encounter. The most important advice for women in managing their healthcare in this area, according to Dr. Vaughn, is to “take a look

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